
March 14, 2013

Signing Off From Temple Square

To Sister Call in Independence, MO--Carry On, Carry On, Carry On!
It is hard to believe that this is the last email I'm writing to all of you as a full-time missionary. So many thoughts are going through my mind about my experiences over the last year and a half but I don't know how to make sense of it all in one short summary.
I have been thinking lately about what I have learned here. So, so much. I have come to the conclusion that the thing I have gained the deepest understanding of is charity, the pure love of Christ.  I have come to know and love so many people.  The people who call the Church hotline number, people who chat with us online, people who walk onto Temple Square, and of course the incredible people in Colorado where I served my outbound. The testimony that’s in my heart has reached all over the globe, from one tiny 10 acre square that is my mission. There are a lot of misinformed members out there who think serving at Temple Square would be easy or that we don't do "real" missionary work. But in what other mission could I have the experience of teaching someone in Hong Kong by telephone or computer while an investigator I taught is getting baptized in the Bahamas on the same day?
Temple Square is a sacred and wonderful place; I love it here and I have loved my time serving as a full-time missionary for the Lord. It will always feel like home... The next phase of my life awaits me and now after serving a mission I feel I’m actually prepared for it all! I can't imagine getting married and having a family without knowing what I do now after a year and a half of the refining experiences that the Lord has put me through. I am so thankful for all of the things I've learned here. And I'm so excited to be back in real life again; it's gonna be crazy!
Well, there is some sort of a Temple Square sister missionary talent show here on Friday night at the assembly hall. We have been practicing at 7:30 in the morning this week how to walk with a flag, how and when to wave it...
...I'm learning Patience.
Anyways, I will see you next week!
Love and please CTR,
Sister Jarvie
Signing off for the last time from Temple Square
Sister Lauren Jarvie
Temple Square Mission
50 N. West Temple St. Rm. BSVC
Salt Lake City, UT 84150
A visit from my "big sis" Malia Tarayao Johnson

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