
September 7, 2012

I Am So Happy About This Transfer!!

Zone Conference at the State Capitol
Day 12 or something without a pday, Oh my goodness we are so excited that today is here! Transfers were last week and I really wanted to go outbound! But I have a new companion and now I do not want to leave!!! I love her so much she is the best! Before they were going to announce my new companion Sister Au-Yeung said “she is one of the prettiest sisters in this mission...SISTER FREDRICKSON!” I was super nervous to be her companion because she is so pretty and cool haha. So then I found out we both felt the same way about each other so it’s perfect! She is in her 3rd transfer and is from Silverdale Washington. She’s hilarious.

I was also called to serve as a District Leader this transfer. So I think this transfer is going to be too much fun! From day one of Sister Fredrickson and I being together as companions we have had the craziest things happen! First of all, our assignment this transfer is to be part of the Temple Square Hospitality Bus Tours committee! Omg, I love it. Basically, we take a huge group of people on a short tour of Temple Square and then out to eat at the Roof, the Garden, or the Lion House! The Church found out that bus companies taking cross-country sightseeing tours were all stopping to eat at the nice restaurants the Church owns in downtown Salt Lake City, and not stepping foot on Temple Square or meeting any missionaries!! So now we greet them when their bus arrives, show them all around the Square, share history with them and answer any questions they have. We are not allowed to invite them or teach them about the Church, but that can’t stop the Spirit! It is great! When we talk with them, we try to “show them the gospel” by making them feel loved and special, and have fun! I love it! The people are so nice and so fun to spend time with! There is such a great spirit on the Square and I KNOW they can feel it too! So we do that on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and those two days are INSANE! So I’m glad we have pday on Tuesday right before all that hits!

On Thursday we met this guy who honestly thinks he is God...And Jesus too apparently, because he has the wound marks on his hands feet and sides... Really really super creepy. Anyways, so security came to rescue us after talking to this guy for a few minutes. He still comes every day though. (Any other details about this will be expounded upon after my mission.) I feel bad for Sister Fredrickson because she said she never met any creepers or Anti's before she became companions with me! I don't know what it is!

So this past week and a half was so much fun! I am really excited to be in Hospitality Bus Tours!! Oh, I forgot to mention that each time we have a tour with them we get a free meal at the Lion House! I am so thankful!!! I am so happy about this transfer! There are so many things that we want to accomplish and that have already been happening.

We have been helping this homeless guy who comes onto the square all the time. He has been going to Church and has read the Book of Mormon 11 times! We got him a new Book of Mormon today that is hard cover and got his name engraved into it!

We have had SO many miracles already and we are just getting started.

My ongoing investigators are all doing great.

I love being a missionary so much!
Sister Jarvie


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